Australand Plan: Management proposal to help rehabilitate bushland at Augustine Heights in Ipswich

A COMPREHENSIVE plan has been unveiled to manage and enhance  bushland around Augustine Heights residential community, The Springs.

The Springs at Augustine Heighst which is currently
undergoing a rehabilitation program.

A COMPREHENSIVE plan has been unveiled to manage and enhance bushland around Augustine Heights residential community, The Springs.

Work recently started on the bushland management plan, which outlines the enhancement of more than 3.2 hectares of bushland.

The project is a collaboration between Australand and Ipswich City Council, and sets out regeneration and revegetation measures including the protection of existing vegetation, weed management and supplementary planting to be undertaken within identified areas of the site.

Under the plan, Australand will work with NatureCall to rehabilitate the land surrounding Woogaroo Creek - which runs through the 21.9 hectare site of The Springs – and two adjoining gullies.

NatureCall director, Steve Noy, said the implementation of the bushland management plan will be done in stages to ensure the site is managed to the highest standards.

"We will be working closely with council and Australand to make sure the site running adjacent to Woogaroo Creek will be rejuvenated, and managed, in a way so that there is only minimal disturbance to the natural habitat of any flora and fauna in the area," he said.

Australand's general manager Queensland residential division, Nigel Edgar, said the works under the bushland management plan aimed to create a sustainable environment for the future enjoyment of the broader Augustine Heights community.

"Australand was presented with an opportunity to not only satisfy guidelines set out by Ipswich City Council to rehabilitate the site but, to rehabilitate it to a standard never seen before in the area," he said.

"We embraced this and we believe we have, with the assistance of the council, created the benchmark for future bushland management plans on similar sites in the area to ensure the preservation of the amenity and continued enhancement of the bushland areas for our residents and their guests.