LNP candidate to explain bank funds as Government steps in to freeze access

GLAMOROUS politician Hajnal Ban has been asked to explain the use  of funds held in a bank account she shares with an elderly man whose  health is deteriorating.

Witch-hunt? Hajnal Ban is being questioned about
her power of attorney role for an elderly and ailing friend.

GLAMOROUS politician Hajnal Ban has been asked to explain the use of funds held in a bank account she shares with an elderly man whose health is rapidly deteriorating.

But a close friend of the LNP candidate for the Federal seat of Wright, which covers the Lockyer Valley, said Ms Ban was the victim of a Labor Party political witch-hunt.

The source told The Queensland Times Ms Ban only used the account to pay for services to help her sick friend and she had nothing to hide.

Until recently, Ms Ban had power of attorney for an elderly friend of hers.

Ms Ban and her friend also share a joint bank account from which Ms Ban withdrew various sums of money this year.

But the Adult Guardian, a government officer, has stripped Ms Ban of her power of attorney as The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) investigates the nature of the withdrawals and whether her elderly friend was of sound mind when awarding her power of attorney.

Funds in the joint account came from the sale of property owned by the elderly man.

The tribunal hearing noted that "(Ms Ban) is directed to provide to the Tribunal by 14 July 2010 a full accounting of her actions as attorney in relation to all property and income of (the man) for the period 28 April 2009 to 28 May 2010".

The source said Ms Ban believed that politics was behind this.

"Hajnal is very upset at present because a friend of hers is very sick and now she is being accused of using (his) ill health to her own benefit," the source said.

"She made those withdrawals to help build a granny flat for her friend because she did not want (him) to live in a nursing home.

"She wanted (him) to live with her and her husband," the source said.

"(He) was very aware of what was going on when he signed for the joint account and the power of attorney."

It was just nine days ago that Ms Ban married her fiance of six months, Sean Black, in front of close family and friends at Mount Tamborine.