Hopeless start to Brendan Nelson's first week as Opposition Leader

Brendan Nelson's honeymoon was over almost as quickly as it began.

First, he was forced to admit lying in 1993 to a public rally in Melbourne as AMA Vice-President when he declared: "I have never voted Liberal in my life".

He has since claimed that he made the statement because "a couple of bus loads union thugs" had turned up to the rally. Really!

Although Dr Nelson did not actually admit to lying, he said this week: "Well, it wasn't true" - which sounds pretty much like a lie to me.

As Paul Keating said on election night, this guy was better when he had an ear ring in his left ear!

And if Dr Nelson's political woes weren't enough, his political foes - mainly his arch rival Malcolm Turnbull - have cast doubt on the validity of the Liberal leadership ballot which Dr Nelson won by 45 to 42 votes.

After he lost the ballot, "Silver-Spoon" Malcolm cried foul, claiming that two Liberal Senators whose plane had arrived late should have been allowed to vote and that the Northern Territory MP David Tollner, who was behind in the count and subsequently lost his seat, should not have been allowed to cast a vote for the leadership.

Which all seems pretty fair comment on the lamentable election processes of the Liberal Party.

For the next 3 years, we are going to endure a Liberal Leader who lies to the public and an aspiring Liberal Leader - who thinks he was born to rule - undermining his Leader at every opportunity to gain the coveted political prize which he believes was his - from the day he was born with a large silver spoon in his mouth!

All this, with Kevin Rudd laughing all the way to the next election.

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