Family First puts Liberals first and families last

Family First, led by Senator Steve Fielding from Victoria, has emerged from the pack as a right-wing, ideologically-driven, conservative political party.

A vote for Family First is a vote for the Liberal Party after their grubby preference deal with the Coalition parties.

Family First has a deeply-rooted religious base despite its protestations that it is one of the mainstream parties in Australian politics.

How can they claim to be putting the "Family First" when they do a preference deal with a party which has presided over a series of interest rate rises in the past 3 years which has hurt ordinary Australian families?

ow can they claim to be putting the "Family First" when they do a preference deal with a party whose immigration policies split and divide families across the world?

How can they claim to be putting the "Family First" when they do a preference deal with a party whose environmental record and support for nuclear reactors in cities and towns across Australia will wreck the beautiful world which God has created?

Family First is merely an appendage of John Howard and the Liberal Party and is just as much a fraud on Australian politics as the Democratic Labor Party was following the Labor split in the 1950s.